Our Grenadian Adventure: Highlights, Hidden Treasures, and Serendipity

View from the shore by our condo in Grenada

Greetings, fellow moms! Today, I want to share with you an unforgettable adventure to the enchanting island of Grenada in the Caribbean. Pronounced ‘Gree-nay-da’, not to be confused with the Spanish ‘Gra-nah-da’. This beautiful place has not only left an indelible mark on my heart but has also been in my thoughts and prayers since the devastation of Hurricane Beryl. Grenada is a resilient island, and it's our turn to lend a helping hand. But first, let me take you on a journey through our experiences on this magnificent island.

My husband and I at Ft. George

For our anniversary my husband and I decided to travel to Grenada. From the moment we landed in Grenada, we felt the warmth of the locals. US citizens are welcomed here (I know, very different from some other countries which shall not be named…), thanks to the pivotal role our country played in aiding Grenada during a terrible and violent incident over 40 years ago. This is a great reminder of why learning about history is important, so history doesn’t repeat itself.

One of the main reasons we chose Grenada was to visit the world’s first underwater sculpture park in Molinere Bay. Created by artist Jason deCaires Taylor to aid coral growth after the devastation of Hurricane Ivan, this park is now one of National Geographic's 25 Wonders of the World. While I did get stung by tiny jellyfish while there, the sting was minimal, didn’t last long, and was totally worth it. This place was even better than I had expected.

The jellyfish stung, but only a little and it was TOTALLY worth it!

Imagine snorkeling through crystal-clear waters and coming face to face with hauntingly beautiful sculptures that serve as a home for vibrant marine life. Each sculpture tells a story, blending art and nature in a way that's both dreamlike and mesmerizing. Seeing the sculptures reminded me that marine conservation can be a blend of science, technology, and art to create and give back to our planet.

“Vicissitudes” is made up of actual-sized figures of Grenada's children holding hands and forming a circle by Jason deCaires Taylor

As we explored the sculptures, we noticed a girl sitting on a park bench taking a selfie. In her picture, she could see what's in front of her and part of what's behind her, but she couldn't capture the entire 360-degree view. This moment struck me as a perfect example of how coaching is used in action. When you have a coach, they can see everything from the outside, not just your limited view, and offer nonjudgmental support. Just like the girl on the bench, we sometimes need someone who can provide a broader perspective, helping us navigate life's challenges with clarity and confidence.

“Bench + Selfie” by by Rene Froehlich is exactly how it sounds, a girl taking a selfie

While exploring the island, we had an unplanned yet delightful, serendipitous encounter. As we were walking through downtown, a local tour guide named Randy noticed our curiosity and enthusiasm and offered to give us a private tour. What started as a casual conversation turned into one of the most memorable parts of our trip. While this might not usually be something that I would entertain, he was clearly wearing his tour bade ID, shirt, and hat. Since my earlier research about the island told me it was very safe, we decided to accept his offer of the private tour in broad daylight.  

Our Grenadian tour guide Randy

We were not disappointed!! He took us to hidden gems we never would have found on our own, shared fascinating stories about Grenada's history and Ft. George and the Grenada Revolution, and even introduced us to some of the island's best-kept secrets (I’m talking fresh chocolate!) This spontaneous tour was a testament to the genuine hospitality and kindness of the Grenadian people.

Another Sweet Surprise was a bottling plant. Who would have thought that Grenada houses a Coca-Cola bottling plant? As we were walking around the island, we noticed the plant. It was amusing to see something so familiar in such an exotic location. Plus, it was a treat to see the Coke bottle with the label printed saying it’s from Grenada!

Coca-Cola in Grenada

One of the quirkiest and most delightful experiences in Grenada was riding the local "bus." Unlike the typical buses we're used to, Grenada's buses are essentially regular vans that you hop into for a super low cost. It was an adventure, bouncing along the winding roads with the locals, music playing, and laughter filling the air. It gave us a true taste of everyday life on the island. But we did have to ask each time before boarding “Is this the bus?” Apparently, the taxi’s look very similar and we made that mistake…definitely not the same price 🤪

One of the final highlights of our trip was the hike and visit the stunning 7 Sisters Waterfalls. The journey itself was an adventure, with the bus winding its way through lush, green landscapes. It went so far into the tropics my husband and I looked at one another puzzled, wondering if we were supposed to get off sooner. Once we stepped out of the “bus” we stood at the top of an unmarked mountain without anyone else around. But, serendipitous encounter number two arose. A kind local who worked at a nearby restaurant walked us to the beginning of the trails and led us in the right direction (because cell service was non existent).

Friendly local who pointed us in the right direction for the trails!

Then, in order to get to the falls, we hiked three unmarked trails. When we finally arrived at the waterfalls, we were delighted to find that we had the place all to ourselves. We were so sweaty from hiking, our soak in the cool water helped us enjoy the serene beauty of our private oasis. It was a magical moment, surrounded by nature's grandeur, with the soothing sound of cascading water all around us. Definitely an adventure off the beaten path.

Seven Sisters Falls Grenada

At the suggestion of our condo host, we ventured to the beautiful, calm Morne Rouge Beach (BBC Beach to the locals) for a day of relaxation. The spot was perfect—secluded and serene. This would be the ideal spot for little ones because the water was so calm. We enjoyed a private lunch by the water, relishing the peace and quiet. After our meal, a friendly local approached us, trying to sell some handmade crafts. We politely declined, and he smiled warmly before walking off, adding to the overall sense of friendliness and ease that permeated our entire stay in Grenada. This tranquil beach became one of our favorite spots, offering a perfect blend of relaxation and local charm.

Morne Rouge Beach (BBC)

Our trip to Grenada was more than just a vacation; it was a journey filled with learning, adventure, and serendipitous moments. The island's beauty is matched only by the warmth of its people, and the memories we made will stay with us forever. As we remember Grenada in our thoughts and prayers, let's also take action to support this resilient island community.

Giving Back to Grenada

As wonderful as our trip was, it’s upsetting to see the devastation caused by Hurricane Beryl on Grenada’s islands of Carriacou and Petite Martinique. Grenada's resilience is inspiring, but they still need our support. Here are some non-profit organizations where you can donate to help the people of Grenada rebuild and recover:

  1. Save the Children

  2. Grenada Disaster Relief Fund (Scroll down to the GoFundMe link)

Every little bit helps, and your contributions can make a significant difference in the lives of those affected by the hurricane.

***I am not endorsing the above charities. Just as with donating to any organization, please investigate the charity to ensure that the donation amount you give will have a percentage given back to the nonprofit which is acceptable to you.***

To all the moms out there looking for a family-friendly destination with a rich history, vibrant culture, and endless adventures, Grenada should be at the top of your list. Whether you're exploring underwater wonders, riding quirky buses, walking around the market, touring historical forts, or simply soaking in the tropical paradise, Grenada offers something for everyone. And who knows, you might just end up with your own unplanned adventure that turns into a cherished memory.

Coaching questions for you today

1.    How can we incorporate more spontaneous and serendipitous moments into our daily lives?

2.    In what ways can our family give back to communities we visit, or support causes we care about?

My morning routine, sipping coffee by the water

Safe travels, and let's keep Grenada in our hearts!

P.S. Please share this post with other moms who might be planning their next vacay. Together, we can spread the word and support Grenada in their time of need and visit an amazing place!

Copyright Me Time 4 Mom, LLC


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