The 5 Minute Morning Routine for Moms

Enjoying coffee by the river

You’ve heard the term early bird or night owl, right? Let’s toss that aside, and think of just the first 5 minutes before the kids wake up. So, whether you are an early bird or, or night owl, this can still be a simple way to achieve “me time” in your day.

This routine is something that I have been asked about, and do, but it never occurred to me to share with everyone 🤯 Our routines can be second nature, so thank you moms for pointing this out to me and inspiring me to share this with you!

I have noticed that there is a way in which I start my morning that really helps kick off the day right, and I wanted to share that with you! There are three things that we're going to review today. You can do a variety of morning routines such as lists for morning routines. Some I've seen have 7, or even 10 tasks!?! When looking at those it feels overwhelming, so let me help you. You're busy, you have things to do, 10 is unreasonable! You maybe have 5 or 10 minutes in the morning before your kids wake up. Or, if your kids are like mine, they have this intuition, they're like "She's awake, it's time to wake up" and they are out of bed about the same time as when my alarm goes off. To help you get some time for yourself in the day, let's talk about 3 ways to start your morning right.

The first thing I love to do is make a gratitude list. When I say list, I'm not talking about a grocery list because that just sounds like a chore you don't want to do, right? You don’t even need to write this down, do it in your head. First thing is a gratitude list: five things. I noticed that when I first started out, it would take me longer than it does now. But it's like a muscle, right? The more you do it, the easier and stronger you become with your gratitude list. It can be the same things every day, or different things every day. It just starts your brain working on the things that are positive and that you're grateful for in your life, and that is an amazing way to start your day. I can start out, a lot of mornings where my pillow is number 1. Hey, you gotta start somewhere! Many times, my second or third was if one of the kids was going to do a fun activity that day and I can't wait to hear what it is, or if I have something that I'm really excited to share with a client or a program, etc. Anything, anything: the grass in your backyard, the roof over your head, the sunshine, your pet. The list can go on. 5 can sound like a lot, but once you have it down generally it takes less than a minute.

Our pet cat

Second thing is prayer. I know that seems like a given or, "Oh, well, I pray all the time," or, "I pray this specific way." That's fine. But you know what can be an additional way to pray? By saying "Please show me how I can serve happily today." That's also a gratitude thing, I guess it could kind of go into that category as well. But then that brings multiple layers to your day, right? You get to help someone else and if you do it happily, that means you're gaining joy from it too. So, it's a great way to begin the day with a simple prayer like that. That is one prayer line has helped me change and reframe my day more times than I can count!

Purple flowers seen on my walk one morning

Okay, number three: affirmations. I have a friend who said she prays and then she does her affirmations after the prayer, and I thought, "Oh, okay that’s a good idea." I started to try that, and she was absolutely right! It's the perfect time to do affirmations, like what an amazing concept, right? You have your affirmations and how you want to set the tone for your day. You can pick anything for your affirmations. There are so many different varieties. If you want to say one affirmation throughout your entire day and have it fabulous. If you have more than one, okay great too, just make sure that you can notice what that affirmation is or affirmations are through the day because that’s key. You begin the day with your focus affirmation/s and then you can continue it through. Don't try to do more than 2-3 because your focus could split. I created a PDF to select and be intuitive for the affirmations I feel resonate with me each day. Get your affirmations PDF here! So, that's another great way to use your affirmations in the morning - choose from a selection of prewritten affirmations.

Magnet reminder to be grateful

Morning routines are optimal when they are a routine which you create in a way that best serves you. Without the 10 step overwhelming task list, meditations that take a long time, or unreasonable processes that flat out don’t work for you. This little three-step system is made for mom’s and your perfect morning routine. You now have your easy 5 min morning routine catered just to you. What mom wouldn’t want that?!

Copyright Me Time 4 Mom, LLC


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